Join Us

The Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium (PNRC) is comprised of four (4) categories of membership and each has distinct benefits and requirements. Categories, their benefits, and requirements are subject to change at the discretion of and with approval by the board of directors of the PNRC.

Active Member

Pediatric nephrologist employed primarily at an academic institution or pediatric nephrology practice.
  • Dues: $100.00 US per year (January December).  
  • Must be employed at least 51% by academic institution or pediatric nephrology practice
  • Graduated Fellows remain active members after graduation for a 6-month grace period until the following calendar year begins.
  • Full voting privileges
  • Must complete application for membership

Associate Member

Individual primarily at an academic institution engaged in nephrology research whose research objectives align with those of the PNRC. This includes but is not limited to adult nephrologists, other physicians and research PhDs.
  • Dues $100.00 US per year (January December)
  • No voting privileges
  • Must complete application for membership

Emeritus Member

Any Active member who has retired may become an emeritus member.
  • Dues: $100.00 US per year (January December).  
  • Can participate in meetings, and PNRC committees
  • Will not have the voting rights and cannot hold an office.
  • Must complete application for membership

Affiliate Member

Individual engaged in pediatric nephrology research and employed primarily at an academic institution or pediatric nephrology practice, including but not limited to research coordinators, nurses, dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, or other support staff.
  • No dues
  • No voting privileges
  • Must complete application for membership

Trainee/Student Member

Pediatric nephrology fellow or resident in a training program; graduate student or other student (medical, undergraduate) involved in pediatric nephrology care and/or research.
  • No dues
  • No voting privileges
  • Graduated fellows will have a 6-month grace period on dues from the point of graduation until the beginning of the next calendar year
  • Must complete application for membership

Not a Member? - Join Now!

* Indicates required field
Select membership level *
First Name *
Last Name *
Primary Email *
Alternate Email *
Please provide alternate email in case your primary email no longer active.
Is your primary email a personal or business email *


Institution *
Other Institution
If you entered 'other' for Institution, please fill in your Institution name.

Degree / Title Information

Degree/Title *
Other Title
If you entered 'other' for Degree/Title, please fill in your Degree/Title.
Are you one of the following? *
Student: Which best fits your education status? *
Resident: Which year are you? *
Fellow: Which year are you? *
Fellow: Please provide details *
Are you a Site Lead Investigator? *

Gender / Ethnicity / Race

Gender *
Ethnicity *
Race *
Other race
If you chose "other" please provide a description.

Committees and Working Groups

Committee(s): If you have served on one of these committees please select all that apply *
Which committee's have you served as co-chair? *
Select the working group(s) in which you would like to participate *